Monday, April 25, 2011

Fashion Do & Fashion Don't: Shorts

Preface: I will run into an outfit from J.Crew that makes me think "fashion do!" or "fashion don't". So every once in awhile, I will take two looks at opposite ends of the spectrum for me and post about them. Please feel free to share your thoughts on the Do's and Don'ts featured. :)

It's no secret that I like to wear running shorts, hidden under my skirts & dresses (refer here). It is more comfortable for me, as well as provides protection from a gust of wind. (You laugh. But this is how it all started. I saw a girl in Barcelona wearing a beautiful dress when a gust of wind came by, and her dress went up. Thankfully she was wearing underwear.)

However, what is going on with this outfit shown above? Is this how we are wearing our dresses now, opened to reveal denim shorts? J.Crew, it's hard to say this to you, but this is a fashion don't.

I often wear outfits that are recreations from images found in J.Crew's catalogs and online product shots. The image above is a perfect example of an outfit I will most definitely recreate. This is how you wear shorts! Simple? Yes! Classic? Absolutely. J.Crew, this is a fashion do!

What are your thoughts on the two images? Do you find the first image a style you would try? Is the second image "classic" or "boring" for you? Please share!


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